
Jill & Riley Logan

11. The Guggenpine Museum

11. The Guggenpine Museum

Welcome to The Guggenpine Museum!

Please allow me to share a little of its history with you.

You see, when the Fairies of the East heard their friends the eagles and sparrows tell tales of grand and amazing things to the West, they had to go see them for themselves.

So, one bright sunny day, a large group of adventurous fairies took wing.

They knew they were home the instant they flew over these breathtaking mountains into this beautiful valley.

Once settled, their first order of business was to document the lovely scenes and amazing creatures they encountered here.

They even drew a map of their journey. Maybe you can find it.

When they finished their art, they displayed it proudly in the huge museum they built especially for it.

They made sure to include a spiral staircase for the land-bound creatures and even added a perch for the birds.

As word of their museum spread, famous artists sent their work to be displayed.

The curators were excited to procure the original self-portrait of Vincent Van Gopher! They also snared an original Jackson Pollen and an Antzel Antams!

Thanks for listening and please enjoy your visit!

Come back again soon!

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