Illustrator, musician and community art activist Marla Goodman grew up in a farmhouse near Bozeman and has experimented extensively with wasp-paper book binding, gooseberry inks, and mud-pie cuisine. Her interest in theater is mostly as an audience member, but she has many friends (both human and imaginary) in the performing arts. When, not too long ago, she heard sweet, operatic sounds coming from a hollow cottonwood stump, she was thrilled to discover that someone very small and industrious must have been using the space for theatrical entertainments. Although she has never succeeded in viewing a live fairy show, she's pleased that support for the arts appears to be as lively in our meadows and glens as on our paved streets. When not listening for minuscule musicals in hollow trees, Marla works in her Bozeman studio as writer/illustrator of the Brownpaper Mouse Alphabet Storybooks, teaches ukulele and art workshops, organizes community art shows, and studies a very magical instrument called the Theremin. More info @brownpapergranny @thereminpractice and