Jehane Goodwell, a world-traversing cryptozoologist, discovered not one living dragon species, but three! Each species was found in a vastly different region of the world, from the freezing taiga of the far north to the rainforests of the tropics. Jehane (pronounced Ju-hane) perfected the delicate (and sometimes dangerous) art of observing dragons using habitat-specific nest boxes of her own invention. Viewers may recognize the European Firedrake, a fierce treasure hoarder. Lesser known are the ferocious Skrivvik ice dragons from the sub-Arctic and the friendly Colibri from Suriname. Please observe with caution, as we are still studying the traits and habits of these living specimens.
Sarah Washko
Sarah lives with another maker in Bozeman, surrounded by plants, books and any tool you can imagine. By day, Sarah works as a scientist in natural resources. She uses her earth sciences knowledge and creativity to help design and restore waterways such as rivers and wetlands. By night, Sarah uses her art experience and creativity to teach stained glass classes and run the art studio Wheelhouse. She loves to make stained glass, swim, hike, cross country ski, and daydream.
These days, she mostly memories and photos, but also rocks, leaves, shells, bones, and other natural objects. When creating her collection, she found it particularly difficult to work on a live dragon nest box without disturbing the residents. ; For more information about Sarah and her work,
visit her Instagram.