Like others in this eccentric family of naturalists, explorers and mystics, Professor Maple Sibylla collected curious little creatures of unknown origins, and was equally secretive about his methods and discoveries. They appear to be insect-like, but do not fit into any established scientific classification.
Maple was obsessed with cryptozoology: the search for and study of animals whose existence is disputed or unsubstantiated. He secretly dedicated his life to discovering and documenting fantastical creatures and made many exploratory voyages to wild and remote places around the globe. He collected specimens in places as far flung as dark, tangled, steamy forests of the southern hemisphere and colorful, spongy bogs fed by the icy runoff of enormous glaciers in the far north, but the specific locations were never recorded and thus are lost to the mists of time.
The specimens inside the Imaginarium Chest are securely sealed in and can only be viewed through a curious hand-held contraption. (Visitors may find this device reminiscent of a primitive camera obscura.) This level of containment suggests a certain element of danger regarding the specimens within, but all Professor Maple’s work leaves behind are questions:
Why did he not choose to display his groundbreaking discoveries simply in a clear glass case? Even more mysteriously, they must be observed through the viewing device–which functions a bit like a key intended to keep the knowledge within a secret–but why? Why, as a well respected professor of cryptozoology at the University of Edinburgh, did he not present a single paper or lecture about his discoveries? Most importantly, what are these creatures?
For the safety of visitors and scientists alike, it is essential to refrain from opening the chest. Please observe with caution.
Louis lives in Billings with his fiancé and a black Maine Coon. He is a part time carpenter and a full time artist. When not endeavoring to uncover the secrets of Maple Sibylla’s cabinet, he spends much of his time building and creating things. He enjoys gardening, cooking, baking, and fermenting things–and loves reading and researching.
Louis is drawn to using diverse, non-traditional materials and combining his interests in science and nature with fine art. His recent project has been sculpting accurate reconstructions of dinosaur heads and covering them with paintings of butterflies, moths, and memento mori still lifes. Louis collects things that interest him visually, mostly plant and animal specimens like whiskers, turtle shells, goose feet, feathers, eggshells, wasp nests, or any well-preserved insect that he stumbles across. For more information about Louis and his art,
visit his website.
Louis Habeck