
Forget Me Not Nook

Forget Me Not Nook

The Wilding family’s roots run deep in the thicket, as their family has operated Forget Me Not Nook nursery and garden center for many generations. Theo, Layla, Laurel, Stella, and little Pippa Wilding live happily on-site. Theo and Layla spend their days caring for the plants in the nursery and offering bouquets, seeds, gardening supplies, and more in the garden center. Laurel, Stella, and Pippa love art projects and playing among the plants. The Nook often hosts weddings and gatherings, most recently a rowdy family reunion of the large Fitzwiggle family.

Watling Family

Troy, Leah, Lauren, and Sara Watling live in Bozeman with two tiny and lovable dogs, Pippa and Dash. Troy and Leah are both CPAs. Lauren is in high school, and Sara is in middle school. They love spending time together and especially enjoy being outside in nature. Pippa loves sleeping and eating, and Dash loves to follow Leah everywhere she goes. The Watlings love everything RAS does for our community, especially Bumblewood Thicket. Last year they had fun participating in the build your own section of Bumblewood Thicket and thought it would be a fun experience to work together on a bigger structure for Bumblewood Thicket proper!

Fairy Architect

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